Qutb Shahi Tombs

The royal cemetery of the Qutub Shahi kings lies about 2 kms. from the Golconda Fort. Landscaped gardens surround these graceful structures and every arch, dome and gallery speak of Qutb Shahi architectural excellence. Amidst beautifully laid out gardens of Ibrahim Bagh there are seven tombs, erected in memory of the departed kings of Golconda called as Qutub Shahi Tombs. They are magnificent monuments of architectural excellence and stand as solemn reminders of the grandeur and glory of Golconda and the great kings who are buried here. The unique feature of this place is nowhere in the world are there so many tombs in one place

Balustrades surround it with beautiful minarets at the corners. These are the tombs of the six Qutub Shahi kings. Among these is the noteworthy tomb of the fifth king of the Qutub Shahi dynasty and founder of Hyderabad - Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah. Rising to a height of 42.5m with a large dome and 28 open arches, his tomb is one of the largest and most imposing of monuments. The tombs were once furnished with carpets, chandeliers and velvet canopies on silver poles. Qurans were kept on supports and it made easy for readers who recited verses from the holy book at regular intervals. Golden spires were fitted over the tombs of the Sultans to distinguish their tombs from those of other members of the royal family. These tombs bear mute testimony to the past glory and grandeur of the Qutub Shahis. The tombs are domed structures built on a square base surrounded by pointed arches. The mausoleums of the Golconda Sultans, are truly magnificent monuments that have stood the test of time and braved the elements. During the Qutub Shahi period, these tombs were held in such great veneration that criminals who took refuge there were granted pardon. But after their reign, the tombs were neglected, till Sir Salar Jung III ordered their restoration in the early 19th century. A pretty garden was laid out, and a compound wall built. All, except the last, of the Qutub Shahi monarchs lie buried here. Sultan Quli's tomb, the style of which set the example for the tombs of his descendants, is situated on an elevated terrace. The tomb chamber proper is octagonal, with each side measuring around 10 m. A circular dome crowns the whole structure. The inscription on Sultan Quli's tomb is in three bands, in the Naskh and Tauq scripts, referring to Sultan Quli as Bada Malik (The Great Master) - the endearing term by which all people of the Deccan used to refer to him. The tomb was built in 1543 A.D. by the Sultan, during his lifetime itself, as was the prevalent custom. The tomb of his son, Jamshed lies nearby. Built in 1550 A.D., this is the only Qutub Shahi tomb that has not been fashioned from shining black basalt. Its appearance too, is quite unlike the other tombs in the garden, rising gracefully in two stories, unlike the squat tombs of the other kings. Jamshed's is also the only tomb without any inscriptions; of course, Jamshed's son, Subhan Quli's tomb too does not have any inscriptions. Subhan's tomb stands mid-way between the tombs of his father and grandfather. He was popularly called Chhote Malik (small master). Sultan lbrahim's-tomb, built in 1580, after his death, is slightly larger than Sultan Quli's tomb. Traces of the enameled tiles can still be seen on the southern wall. The tomb has two graves in the main chamber and 16 graves on the terrace, some of them probably those of his six sons and three, daughters. There are inscriptions in the Thulth script on all faces of the sarcophagus. The interesting fact is that the three famous calligraphists - Isphalan, Ismail and Taqiuddiii Muhammad Salih - who left a store of Naskh, Tulth and Nastaliq inscriptions on the many Qutub Shahi edifices in the city, were all contemporaries of Ibrahim Shah. The grandest of the Qutub Shahi tombs is Sultan Muhammad Quli's mausoleum built in 1602 A.D. The tomb is situated on a terrace 65 m square and 4 m high. Flights of steps lead to the mausoleum proper, which is 22 m square on the outside and 11 m square on the inside. There are entrances on the southern and eastern sides. The tomb itself is situated in a vault below the terrace and inscriptions in Persian and the Naskh scripts decorateit. Another grand mausoleum is that of the sixth Sultan, Mohanunad Qutub Shah. The facade of this tomb was once decorated with enameled tiles. There are six graves altogether in this tomb and inscriptions in Tulth and Naskh. The mausoleum was built in 1626. Sultan Abdullah’s tomb is the last of the royal tombs, as Abdul Hasaii (Taiia Sliah), the last king, was a prisoner in the Ciiini Mahal in the fortress of Daulatabad, near Aurangabad, when he died. While the tombs of those who ruled dominate the area, interspersed are many other monuments too. The tomb of Fatima Sultan, with its bulbous dome, is near the entrance to the tomb-garden. She was the sister of Mohammad Qutub Shah. Her tomb houses several graves, two of them with inscriptions. Immediately to the south of Muhammed Quli's tomb are three uninscribed tombs. The twin-tombs of the two favourite hakims (physicians) of Sultan Abdullah-Nizamuddin Ahamad Gilani and Abdul Jabbar Gilani - were built in 1651. They are among the few Qutub Shahi tombs that are not of Royalty. Another pair of tombs are those of Premamati and Taramati - the favourites of Sultan Abdullah Shah. These lively beauties, who are believed to have danced on ropes tied between their pavilion and Abdullah's palace, were laid to rest beside the tomb of their patron. One other tomb that is not that of a Qutub Shahi family member is the tomb of Neknam Khan, who was the commander-in-chief of the Carnatic and served in Abdullah's army. The tomb of Fadma Khanum, one of Sultan Abdullah's daughters, stands near the mausoleum of her husband, Mir Ahamad and is the only Qutub Shahi tomb not surmounted by a dome. To the west of the tombs lies the Dargah of Husain Shah Wali, the revered Sufi Saint; He is affectionately remembered by people of all faiths as the builder of Hussain Sagar. Among other monuments in the garden, that are not tombs, are the Mortuary Bath and the Mosque of Hayat Bakshi Begum. The Mortuary Bath, which stands opposite the tomb of Muhammad Quli, was built by Sultan Quli to facilitate the ritual washing of the bodies of the dead kings and others of the Royal Family before they were carried to their final resting place. A large number of people, fond subjects, friends and relatives attended it. The bath itself is one of the finest existing specimens of ancient Persian or Turkish baths. The Qutub Shahis built a number of mosques all over Golconda and Hyderabad, and almost every tomb has a mosque adjacent. The biggest and the grandest such mosque is by the mausoleum of Hayat Bakshi Begum. Popularly known as the great mosque of the Golconda tombs, it was built in 1666 A.D. Fifteen cupolas decorate the roof and two lofty minarets flank the prayer-hall. The impression, as a whole, is one of majesty and splendour. The inscriptions in the mosque are masterpieces of calligraphic art. Hayath Bakshi Begum was the daughter of Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah. Affectionately known as 'Ma Saheba' (Revered Mother), she was guide and mentor to all three kings. Several monuments survive in her memory in and around Hyderabad. The tomb-garden of the Kings of Golconda was known as Lagar-e-Faiz Athar (a place for bountiful entertainment) in the days of the Qutub Shahi kings, for some item or song or dance or even an occasional play was staged here every evening, free of cost, to entertain the poor. The present caretaker of the tombs is a descendant of the one appointed by Sir Salar Jung. It is a hereditary occupation. The tombs are open for the public on all days except on Fridays from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. Every year Department of Tourism conducts "Deccan Festival" for five days by organising programmes of internationally renowned artists